Sarina Clooney is the Senior Director of 2-1-1 for United Way of Southwest Louisiana. As part of the Community Initiative team, she is responsible for resource outreach while compiling and maintaining the UWSWLA/211 resource database for Southwest and Central Louisiana. Her goal is to link residents in need with relevant information, educate the public on United Way of Southwest Louisiana’s “Get Help” Initiatives and work closely with our partner agencies and regional and state officials to ensure the UWSWLA/211 database always has the most accurate and real-time information, especially during times of disaster.
Sarina has been a resident of Southwest Louisiana since 2000. With a background in administration & finance, she brings over 30 years of professional experience, 6 of those in the non-profit sector. She has worked with a range of issues spanning from human service needs. Her passion for helping those in need is not limited to homelessness, domestic violence, suicide prevention, human trafficking, literacy, disaster case management, and genetic diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis. She is currently a member of the SWLA Suicide Coalition, SWLA Human Trafficking Coalition, SWLA Opioid Coalition and a Grampion for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. She holds several certifications in education and training on opioids, Suicide, and Human services.
Her passion beyond work includes her three sons, daughter-in-laws and one granddaughter who is a Cystic Fibrosis Fighter. Her love for everyone’s children, cooking and photography has earned her the badge of “Nana/momma bear” to all.
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